Stories from Your Dedicated Care Team

Giving More Than Just Exceptional Care

We are fortunate to have skilled, compassionate physicians, nurses and other care providers who give their time, money and passion to support Adventist Health White Memorial services and patients. Learn more in their remarkable stories.

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Rosie Avila, MD

Providing culturally competent healthcare for mothers and families

Care Team

As a child, Rosie Avila, MD accompanied her mother (who only spoke Spanish) to medical appointments to translate important information. Now, as obstetrics and gynecology faculty at Adventist Health White Memorial, Dr. Avila offers culturally competent care specific to the needs of the community we serve, resulting an increase in overall visits and improved patient outcomes among Latino, Spanish-speaking populations.


Nora Fabrigar, RN

Caring Under Pressure: A Nurse's Journey

Care Team

Working in the behavioral health unit of a hospital can be one of the most demanding and rewarding experiences for a nurse. It takes a special kind of nurse to effectively care for and support the individuals who come through the unit’s doors. At Adventist Health White Memorial, one such…


María Lozada

Nursing with Compassion: An Inspiring Path to A Calling

Care Team

Twenty-five years ago, María Lozada’s infant son, Jeremiah, developed a fever. At the time, Lozada was a 24-year-old wife and mother, juggling her work at the California Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program with the classes needed to become an elementary school teacher. But as Jeremiah’s fever raged, he was…


Workforce Development Highlights