
Your Adventist Health White Memorial Story Matters

We are grateful to our patients, care teams, donors and neighbors for sharing their experiences. These stories show the importance of providing accessible, compassionate, life-saving healthcare in East Los Angeles, Boyle Heights and Montebello.

We are honored to play a part in inspiring stories of health, wholeness and hope through giving and compassion.

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Avygail Sanchez

“I wish that I could save the world. I really, really do.”


One step closer to saving the world When Avygail Sanchez was just 10 years old, she dreamed of saving the world. The first big problem she would fix was eradicating homelessness in her Huntington Park, California, community. Her plan was simple: she would win the lottery to secure funding. Then,…


Sandra Arzola, Homeless Health/Substance Use Navigator – Patient Experience

Why I Give: We Are Hope Ambassador Highlight


Meet Sandra Arzola, an Adventist Health White Memorial employee who gives back with gratitude for all she has received.


Honoring Sally Acosta’s Remarkable Volunteer Service

A Portrait of Dedication


At 99 years old, Sally Acosta exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism at Adventist Health White Memorial Montebello.
